"Make sure your child can speak Spanish."
Senator Obama must think that this is a grand idea, so that our children can begin a tradition of going out of their way to accommodate those who refuse to assimilate into our way of life and learn to be proficient with our language. If someone comes to this country lawfully and chooses to speak another language in their home, they are free to do so, with regard to individual liberty in this country. However, they have no claim to force accommodations for their own shortcomings--that would infringe on the liberty of all other citizens.
Meanwhile, in North Carolina, a school superintendent has pitched a proposal to his school board for a Spanish only school in his district. Superintendent Peter Gorman believes that such a measure would "help preserve Hispanic culture." A spokeswoman for the school district added, "[The parents] are very fluent, well-educated in English, legal citizens. They're sending their kids there because they want them to have exposure to their native language."
The author of Digger's Realm corrected it perfectly when he said that if these children were born in this country, then naturally, their "native language" would be English.
It appears that if this proposal is successful, the good people of North Carolina will be forced to fund this venture through their taxes. I don't like it. If you don't like it either, give Superintendent Gorman's office a call and give them hell! Hopefully, North Carolinians will do the same.
Superintendent, Peter C. Gorman - (980) 343-6270
Chief Communications Officer, Nora K. Carr - (980) 343-6274
This sort of erratic behavior is going on all over the country. If you are a teacher, and try to get a job teaching in Texas, it seems that these days they will deny you if you are not bilingual. All across the country, the inability of anchor babies and illegal alien children to speak English proficiently is forcing school districts to shell out tax dollars so that these students might be tutored in Spanish. Already, some school districts are trying to force students to learn Spanish.
In California, high school students (notably black students) are being denied jobs in fast food because they don't speak Spanish. Apparently the concern is that they wouldn't be able to communicate properly with the existing workforce and with the customers. Anyone else smell an illegal alien in that kitchen?
Senator Obama has shown his allegiance to a faction that believes that you and I, our children, and our grandchildren should carry the burden of language constraints of a class of people with an entitlement issue (in the sense that they feel they are entitled to everything). When immigrants come here legally from Asia, Europe, and Africa, and become a part of our country, do they expect their own language to be plastered everywhere for their convenience? No! They have to work hard and learn the language just like everyone else did (that is, if they don't know it already). Do you think that the English-speaking, native-born American citizens in the 1800's rushed out to learn Irish, German, Chinese, and Yiddish, to accomodate those recent additions to the melting pot? No! The immigrant parents of that day and age knew the importance of their child's learning English, and often forced them to speak it in the home.
Another aspect of Senator Obama's suggestion that we all rush out to learn Spanish and indoctrinate our children, is that it could quite possibly be a preparation for our unlawful enrollment in a North American Union. What better way to make us play nice with our new fellow NAU'ers in Central America than to indoctrinate us with their native language? These advocates for globalization have always sought to equalize North America. They knew that they couldn't bring Central America up to where America was, so they settled for bringing America down to their level, so we could be one big happy family--at the cost of our sovereignty and Constitution.
So no, Senator Obama, I won't be forcing my children to learn Spanish. As with any language, they'll be able to learn it out of a genuine interest and a desire to enrich their education, not because a grossly unqualified presidential candidate (and New World Order proponent) told them to.
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